
Showing posts from January, 2020


TANGKAK TRAVEL SERIES : GUNUNG LEDANG Hello guys! Okay chill-chill, amacam dah baca ke belum prolog aku? Hah, kalau belum baca better korang back and baca dulu prolog sebelum aku merajuk and tak nak sambung series ni. Alright, untuk first episode ni aku nak bawa korang pergi tempat paling common dekat Daerah Tangkak, cuba teka apa dia? Yup, the answer is Gunung Ledang! Korang tahukan tentang kisah Puteri Gunung Ledang? Okay, harini aku tak nak cerita pasal tu. First, aku bagi gambaran kasar macam mana bentuk Gunung Ledang ni. Inilah view aku tiap-tiap hari dari kecil sampai sekarang,cantikkan? Ni aku nak bagitau korang,kalau korang stay dalam Daerah Tangkak memang aku gerenti view ni takkan terlepas dari mata korang, cuba bayangkan dari pagi sampai malam kau hadap je gunung tu, peh feel dia lain macam bro! Fun fact, kalau korang naik menara Taming Sari dekat Melaka korang boleh nampak a glimps of Gunung Ledang tau! Okay habis, seterusnya aku akan bawa korang ten


TANGKAK TRAVEL SERIES : PROLOG Hello, nama aku Muhammad Zikry Bin Munshi and my fellow classmates gelarkan aku Zack. Along with this series name korang mesti dah tahukan aku nak cerita tentang apa? Hah, aku nak cerita pasal Tangkak! korang tahu tak Tangkak dekat mana? mesti tak kan? Rilek jap biar abang cerita, Tangkak ni dekat dalam Johor and merupakan Daerah yang baharu, sebelum ni nama Daerah kitorang Daerah Ledang tapi di tukar, cuba teka sebab apa? Hah, sebab aku nak wujudkan blog TANGKAK TRAVEL SERIES nilah! Takdelah gurau je sebenarnya, okay ni serius Tangkak merupakan kawasan yang paling membangun antara semua kawasan di dalam Daerah Ledang and nak conclude kawasan yang berdaerah kecil menjadi satu Daerah,dari situ wujudlah Daerah Tangkak!! Mesti korang terfikirkan 'apa yang best dekat Tangkak?' 'apa yang ada dekat Tangkak?' 'nak hadap apa je dekat Tangkak tu?' Hah, inilah tujuan TANGKAK TRAVEL SERIES ini di wujudkan! Aku akan pastikan sepan

My love for Korea

hi guys, first of all, let me introduce myself my name is iqmal aiman bin khairul anuar. I'm will be 19 this year and i'm from Johor. i think that that you all should know. Okay now lets begin. This is my first time creating a blog so please don't judge😅😅. Okay now i'll tell you some hint about my entry. I love Korea. Guys i'm a malaysian but why i love korea? some of my friend ask me this question and i answer it simple even though i never went there but i learn a lot from Kdrama, from my friends experience and from reality show. One of my dreams is to visit and stay there. like i said i never been there but i learn quite a lot from kdrama.  HOTEL DEL LUNA BUILDING  this is the one of the building that i want to visit in KOREA. this building have been used for a drama called HOTEL DEL LUNA. it was my one of a drama that i like so i want to visit it some day. wish me luck. BUSAN  next is busan , i don't have any specific places in busan that i wan


This is me in the subway Gyeong-buk Gong Palace Nami Island Heidi-K Hotel Ski Park My experience in korea was totally amusing. There were many places I visited. These pictures as above are my favourite and I cherish it so much. I stayed in Seoul for 9 days and it was winter season. There wasn't any snow in the middle of the city. The Heidi-K hotel was location was the only location I went and it was snowing. It was my first time experiencing snow and I was amused by it. The temperature throughout the vacation was about -10 to 7 degree celcius. I really enjoyed the ski park cause it was the first time I experience playing snowboard and it was super tiring. The food there is a bit too expensive for a Malaysian like me to eat there. So what my mom did was she cooked every night and we eat at the restaurant for lunch. We skipped breakfast because my family wakes up late every morning. The markets there got so many varieties depending on what yo
Hello guys, okay ni classmate aku, dns26Alpha. Yang baju hijau lecture kami , Capt Siva. Full strength kami 24/24                    And this is our future!! Insya allah okay guyss. Lets pray the best for each other & help each other


Board slide  Fakie big spin Skateboarding  is an  action sport  which involves riding and performing tricks using a  skateboard , as well as a recreational activity, an art form, an entertainment industry  job , and a method of  transportation . [1]  Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. This trick that i do is “board slide” and “fakie bigspin” Me & my deck My favorite tricks

Entah Title Ape 😅

16th January  Pandangan Yg Luas
Pesalah menerima balasan setimpal setelah membuat bising pd waktu malam di lounge 
Buat blog pun handsome

Me Love Flexin’

Source: roll camera The starting Hey guys, this is my first blog and I’m starting this blog due to some circumstances. Although I’m not really good in using the internet, I’m trying my best by doing this blog as it can enhance my computer skills and make myself a digital diary. Me So a bit about myself. I was born and raised in Seremban, a district in Negeri Sembilan. I studied both primary and secondary in St. Paul. My hobby is go hiking and photography.  My favourite food would be Nasi Lemak because no matter how many times I eat it was always delicious. My school breakfast will be the canteen’s Nasi Lemak which is quite delicious. So right after spm I’ve applied for matriculation and UPU and also ALAM. Since I didn’t get matriculation and my desired choice wasn’t given in UPU, I persuaded my studies in ALAM. Of course, Alam was my last choice and also I didn’t want to spend my parents hard earn money. Sometimes I wonder what would be my future li


HAI APA KHABAR  ....... .....