
Showing posts from June, 2020

Short vacay Cameron Highland😊

21/07/20...aku ngan member2 aku pergi short vacay ke Cameron Highland,maklum laaa baru masuk ke fasa PKPP and dh boleh rentas negeri pergi laaa melepaskan hawa nafsu nak kluar tu...bagi aku pergi ke tempat camtu adalah pengalaman baru bagi aku laaa sbb aku tak pernah lagi pergi situ annn...pape ponnn kat situ memang sapsapsuiii holiawwww...memang besttt...bnyk tempat korang boleh gi mcm ladang teh,ladang strawberi,taman lavender....bagi aku cameron tempat yang sesuai untuk orang yang nak santai2...tenangkan fikiran...sangat sesuaiii sbb suhu yang agak sejuk mcm feel2 negara2 org putih laa katakan...tu jeee yang aku nak ada laaa sikit gambar kenang kenangan aku kat situ.... Ini dekat ladang teh...dekat bahagian bawah lagi nih,nak naik ke atas tu mcm gampang gak aaa Dah sampai atas tuuu sumpah tak tipu view dia memang cantik...daun teh tu takde laaa cantik mne pon cuma view ladang teh tu laa menarik Nak lagi nampak cantik dia yang niii....jgn tengok bende


12th blog.....I choose that topic because there is a woman, father, and friend which makes me achieve my dreams. It all started with the feeling of desire for a girl at my school. I really a sh type person, but when you got to know me then u will regret cause I will be the mischievous one. I fell in love with her, but scared to open up and talk to her. So for seeking her attention I just planned to be hot stuff in school. Normally the famous and hot stuff in my school is the athlete. Hmmm, so I'm gonna be as one of them to attract her. Step one I should train my self to gain my stamina. I loved to cycle to I improvise my stamina by cycling and when my school announced that they ganna held a cross country competition soon. I took it serious and without anyone coaching me, I just took my own training. I will run a small field in front of my house for 50 to 60 times so 1 minute equal to one lap. I keep on my practice and people had asked me why are u just keeping run around this

Father’s Day 2K20

Good day everyone, so in today’s blog I am going to talk about this years’ Father’s Day Special. So every year most of us celebrate father’s day. But my mom and her siblings wanted to do something special for their father which is my grandfather. So they did a surprise for him. He is a bit old and tend to forget things a lot. So it was easy to bring him from all the way from Johor to Seremban. The rest of my mother’s sibling came all the way from klang. Grandfather and his grandkids  Each of every sibling brought their signature dishes along the way for lunch. My mom’s signature dish is ‘prawn sambal’. They were so many varieties to choose from and each of it was delicious. After that we was just chilling and having a conversation with each other. Grandfather, his children and grandchildren  Of course, the grandchildren didn’t want take part in grown ups conversations, so we were in a separate room playing video games and hanging out. Me and my cousins We


SO I STARTED MY ALAM LIFE IN JULY AND THE PICTURES ABOVE ARE THE PICTURES OF ME GETTING ACCEPTED INTO ALAM AND THE OTHER IS MY FAMILY SENDING ME OFF .  see what you have to understand about all this is that i came from a normal average city boy lifestyle , i never even did any kawad much before , unlike the people from RMC that have gotten use to the whole regimental /military life style . so it was a really very 180 degree transition .  luckily i meet so many people that until now have helped me cope with stuff like that . they thought me so much , cuz i also never been to a boarding school either, i was from public school so the change was double cuz i had to get use to first -being in a boarding school                                                         and second - the whole regimantal/military training honestly the first was so interesting but scary but fun .basically it was like jukping into the unknown and hoping everything turns out fine. most universities h


SIHAT SEHARI ZIKRY : TIPS Hui guys! Tengah buat apa tu? Hah harini aku nak story tips macam mana nak jaga kesihatan korang, YEAY! Gembirakan? Okay proceed, aku faham kebanyakkan dari korang mesti dah cuba macam-macam tips diet kan? Tapi tak sihat-sihat juga, badan korang yang makin 'sihat' adalah ya? HAHAHAA gurau jela, itupun nak merajuk. Contoh diet karbo Alright dekat sinilah function blog aku ni, aku akan bagi beberapa tips kesihatan yang korang boleh follow. Okay, first sekali yang orang selalu salah adalah diorang fikir yang diet je dah cukup untuk buang segala jenis anak dan bapak toksin dalam badan, persepsi ini adalah salah lagi dipersalahkan ya guys. Gaya hidup sihat adalah gaya kita Korang kenalah pandai balancekan between diet dan senaman, workout ni penting sangat ya guys sebab dari situlah korang boleh bagi shape untuk body korang seperti yang di idamkan, macam aku, aku tak suka bulk carrier. Eh silap, type body yang bulk, aku more to fit je,


KISAH SERAM SEJAGAT : KAMPUNG Hello guys! So today aku nak cerita tentang pengalaman aku ketika berada di kampung sewaktu umur aku 8 tahun. Aku masih ingat lagi peristiwa ni macam baru semalam je menimpa aku, waktu tu moyang aku meninggal dunia dan satu family aku pulanglah ke kampung. Nenek aku meratapi pemergian bapanya dengan perasaan yang amat galau. Contoh kampung aku Dengan kadar umur aku yang cuma 8 tahun tu, korang fahamlahkan macam mana perangai aku? Yang dah besar ni pun tak berapa nak semenggah, inikan pula aku yang kecil. Apa yang aku tahu hanyalah aku jumpa saudara seusia aku dekat sana aku main tak ingat dunia. Jam menunjukkan 6:30 petang, kebanyakkan dari jemah kampung yang hadir untuk mengucapkan takziah telah pulang, saudara mara aku bermalam di kampung, kitorang disuruh oleh para ibu bapa untuk tidur di kawasan ruang tamu beramai-ramai. Macam biasalah dah jumpa saudara mana tahu tidur awalkan? Sumpah meriah! Kitorang berbuallah sampai jam menu


SO HI GUYSS!!! OKAY HERE IS SOMETHING I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TELL YOU , I'M A QUADRUPLET !!!! WHAT IS A QUADRUPLET YOU MIGHT ASK?? WELL WHEN MY MOTHER GAVE BIRTH SHE GAVE BIRTH TO 4 OF US AT ONCE ,(REFER TO PICTURE ABOVE) , NAZIRA  (LEFT CORNER) ,  NAZRIN (CENTER LEFT) , NADZMI (ME) (CENTER RIGHT ) AND  NADIRA ( RIGHT CORNER) im a very family oriented kinda guy, most of my life is mostly just spent with my fam and thats okay with me cuz they can sometimes be super annoying but each one has his/her own cool unique thing that always keeps things fresh and not boring  one day nadira wanted to recreate a few pictures from when we were kids so yeahh this is one of the pictures . this picture is us at home wearing our super comfy onesies we got from japan a few years back , my brother , nazrin , refused to wear his penguin onesie so its just us three .nazrin isnt that open or adventuress kinda a guy but give him time and we will get him to be one day. hopefully


so it was in 2016 and we were in Qatar and travelling near the outskirts of Doha, where we saw camels and got to ride them for a few rounds , little fact its actually much harder to just get on one of them then movies make it look :) .This was my first time riding a camel so it wasn't the most graceful thing but i didnt fall or anything so thats a good sign. right??hehehe  so this is a really blurry picture but it was taken on a a iphone 5!!! its 2020 and we using iphone 11 and somehow this pictures still survived ahahah . so yeahhh, anyways so this picture is me and my brother riding an atv in the dunes of the gulf provinces. just on the boarder of qatar and if you see from the picture im actually screaming and was scared out of my mind cuz my brother nazrin is a horrible driver , in that one day we was able to turn over the ATV 3 times!! And each time that happened i had to grab him by the waist and jump off the atv while it was flipping mission impossible style so my adr