Assalamualaikum and hai everyone! Before this cerita aku panjang sangat kan so untuk blog kalini aku nak tunjuk fews favourite gambar yang aku tangkap which is boleh mendatangkan good mood pada aku and maybe pada korang jugak bila tengok gambar gambar aku okay,enjoy!

Get lost in nature and you will find yourself  

If you are in a bad mood go for a walk.If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk. 

When you feel stuck,look at the sky.The clouds remind us that everything changes.

Life's too short to say no to cake!

Paint the sky,make it yours.

Listen to silence,it has so much to say.
Remember your roots.

Photography can light up darkness and expose ignorance.

Light turns the ordinary into the magical.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes memory.

Ok aku rasa tu je untuk harini and aku pun bukannya pandai sangat pun nak tangkap gambar sebab skill pun takde but all of those picture just create a positive vibes and amazing memories.So with this,aku harap dapatlah bagi korang release tension sikit hehe.
Well stay safe and keep hygiene!Lots of love and have a nice day!❤️❤️


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