LONDON TRIP (part 2 )


okay so we start our journey at leads,heatthrown airport where we landed the first place we headed was the dealership near the airport were we had arrange to get an RV to use as as our home for the next week there. now to those who dont know an RV is basically a house on wheels

Now at the time we were in the center part of london , we jumped into our RV and headed north , the RV was quite big and comfortable , of course most of us were jet lagged but my dad travels alot so he wasnt that effected like most of us . i would always wake up and id see out the window the amazing scenery london had to offer us.
We made a straight line to the north and everytime we passed a city or a village we would stop to enjoy the the view and experience everything that seemed interesting. we went shopping and the girls found this shop that sells really cute onesies (so that should explain the picture above). 

On the way to the north edge of London, we got an amazing opportunity , we got to visit   Alnwick Castle ,THE CASTLE WERE THEY FILMED HARRY POTTER!!! 
And idk why but there was just this magic flowing in the breeze that felt amazing , and this part i promise to you i am not making it up or lying , we were entering the massive garden that had a well kept garden maze ,then the huge doors of the castle opened and out came a women wearing a huge puffy dress and told us we cant enter and that the castle was closed that day, turns out she and her family owed the castle and were the keepers of the place, so we left and continued our journey north.

so we were almost at the absolute north side of London and we saw this mesmerizing  patch of snow at the side of the highway , so just for the fun of it we stopped at the side of the highwaya dn jumped out to play with the snow, apparently this it isnt really normal to do this , so so many people were passing us and just staring at us in awe but we didnt care because we were having to much fun to care.

okay so this isnt the end of the journey, (spoiler) after we go north we go south to the end

 and that story will be in PART 3!


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