LONDON TRIP (part 3 )


Okay so we made it to absolute far north.FINALLY!!!! its been 2 blog entries to get here at this point =) !
okay so whats at the edge of London you might ask?? basically just  a sign board that shows what is to your east and west and how far . BUT, what was at the north edge of London was this place called Westminster .So natural the first thing i said was " what why is it called Westminster and not Northminster "!!! hahaha 

so the city was a pretty posh place ,posh means fancy ,so it was boxing day ,a day before Christmas and the whole place was so livid! people were going into shops and buying presents for tomorrow, the bakeries were working non-stop , you could smell the delicious foods being prepared,  and people waiting in line to enter the bakeries hahahah. 

we were at this special landmark i cant seem to remember what it was ,but what i do remember is this story of this old man .See we were parked at this castle cuz it was place on top of a really steep hill so we had a nice hike and saw the sunrise and on the way down me and my siblings got scared by this dog that was the size of us at the time ,we waited for the dog and dog owner to pass then headed down to the parking lot . we decided to have lunch there in our RV ,we were enjoying our maggi cups ,then suddenly we get a knock on the door , my dad goes and talk to old man who knocked on our door while we watch from the window, when my dad came back in the old man was walking back to a near by village (probably where he lived) , my dad said he asked if we wanted to get a cup of tea at his place because he saw that we were tourist . anyways in the end we declined his offer, this story reminds me sometimes just how nice people can be

So now that we reached the north we had to make our way back so after that day we went back south 

now we have one more stop on the way down south, before going back home and ending this trip
so please stay tuned for part 4 which is the last part in this adventure


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