
Showing posts from May, 2020


THE INDULGENT TASTE OF KINDER BUENO   Kinderbueno plays an important role in my life. This gorgeous confectionery is the stuff of gods to be honest. When I hear the word chocolate, my will begins to crumble and my taste buds try to picture the smooth,creamy feel that slides down my throat and leaves a sweet and seductive taste that tempts me to have just one more. T oday ferrero is one of the largest confectionary companies in the world. Ferrero has sales product all around the world. The ferrero family keeps on delight its universal consumers with a seemingly inexhaustible line of single, high-quality product, not only in the spread and candy aisles, but also in the bakery and beverage part. Kinder Bueno is one of the best-sellers of the company and at the heart of ferrero success. Kinder Bueno has great market power in the world. Kinder Bueno is a chocolate bar comes from Ferrero. It is a hazelnut cream filled wafer with some smoothly chocolate covering. The brand of Ki

Syawal 2019 Aku!

Sape nak tau macam mana raya aku 1 Syawal 1440H / 5 June 2019 Rabu? Uish sumpah best wey. Korang patut baca cerita yang akan aku share kat bawah ni wey. Siyes mmng happy habis ah aku cakap. Fes skali, aku nak bagi semua pembaca jelas tentang beberapa perkara. Aku slalu bercerita berdasarkan gambar. Samada aku describe setiap satu gambar tu tapi takde flow ataupun aku akan bercerita berdasarkan gambar dan flow atau timeline yang betul. Tapi kalini lain pulak. Aku akan bercerita dan cerita aku tu takde kene mengena dengan gambar. Maksud aku, gambar tu mungkin aku tengah masak ketupat tapi aku sedang bercerita yang aku tengah main mercun. Haa macam tu la. Tapi yang penting, gambar semua gambar raya pada 1 syawal. Sebernanya banyak sangat gambar yang boleh aku share kalau nak aku akan bercerita berdasarkan gambar dan flow atau timeline yang betul. Tapi ianya akan jdi complex. So kite cerita simple simple je oke? Senyum tak perlu kata apa - apa Bemula aku pergi masjid untu

What is Dysmenorrhea?

Let me tell you the basic first. Menstruation . What is it? menstruation or period is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of woman's monthly cycle. Menstrual cramps or Dysmenorrhea as it's technically called, has finally been ruled as painful as having a heart attack. Professor pf reproductive health at University College London, John Guillebaud told Quartz that patients have described the cramping pain as almost as bad as having a heart attack. Adenomyosis causes pain, heavy period and infertility. Menstrual Pain Relief. personally when dealing with severe menstruation pain I normally will took period pain panadol and use medicated ointment, Yu Yee Oil. Beside that, maybe you can try out this one recipe, Ginger Tea. I used to drink it when I'm dealing with normal menstruation pain. Ginger Tea There is a few tips that i would like to share with all of beautiful woman out there, what you shouldn't do or try to a

art is life!

Art is life! First of all what is art?  Let me tell you, a rt is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual or expressing someone's  imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.  T ypically in a visual form such as painting or producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. T he various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. Mona lisa Printing by Leonardo da Vinci Medium Oil Paint Portrays Vibrant Artist ; Alea Pinar Du Pre Pinar Du Pre creates artistic metaphors within her mixed media collage portraits, building on the synthetic intensity of digital art while administrating inner perceptiveness . Art is so close to me. I could just express all of my feeling through drawing and painting. I took art in highschool and it was fun. Let me show you guys my SPM course work

Aku Kaki Raya Jai!

Nak sembang pasal raya ah kalini. Macam mana nk mula eh? Kita mulakan dengan bismillah akhiri dengan alhamdulillah. Aku cerita berdasarkan setiap gambar raya aku ngan member eh? Semoga korang sudi dengar. Pagiku cerahku, matahari bersinar, Time ni aku datang umah member aku sedia nk gerak dah. Yang sedianya aku, dia belum lagi. Aku sampai rumah die dan baru die nak mandi. Pergh. Plan kemain nak ke sana nak ke sini. Tpi last2 hampeh. Aku je beriyaa. Tpi oke lah die hidangkan aku makanan sedap sedap dan pelbagai menu yang dia hidangkan untuk aku. Air yang disediakan pun sedap.Memang cun memang padu memang mantul memang kaw arh. Ni rancangan kelas aku nak raya rumah semua member kelas. Memang syok habis ah aku cakap. Siyes siyes tak tipu. Kite teruskan gambar kedua oke? Wa sama member wa. Cem X Cem? Eh asal gambar lain lak? Tenang, ni collection gambar raya aku ngan member. Entry kalini takde flow tau. Aku just describe gambar setiap satu raya aku ngan member oke? T

PUBG MOBILE TUTORIAL; Part 3 (Throwables)

  AKU TAKTAU NAK LETAK HEADER APA SO AKU     LETAK BENDA NI JELA OK Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera gaiss.Ok kembali lagi kita ke macamana nak main pubgm?Alright dalam entry ni aku nak cerita serba sedikit pasal "throwables".Throwables ni terdiri daripada 4 benda je iaitu Flash Grenade, Frag Grenade, Molotov Cocktail dan Smoke Grenade.Setiap throwable ni mempunya fungsi-fungsi yang tersendiri dan berguna dalam situasi-situasi tertentu. Peringatan mesra,semua throwables ni berkesan terhadap enemy, TEAMMATE dan DIRI ANDA SENDIRI ya.Semua Throwables ni sangat berguna dalam "IQ play" ataupun jika anda mempunya gameplay yang strategic.Okay jom mulakan! Kita mulakan dengan flash grenade.Fungsi flash grenade ni ialah untuk membutakan dan memekakkan orang jadi siapa yang ada dalam blast radius flash grenade ni tidak berupaya untuk dengar dan tengok untuk tempoh beberapa saat.Flash Grenade ni diperkenalkan oleh PUBGM supaya boleh digunakan oleh pemai


Sometimes its difficult to find the right words to say how much i respect and you mean to me , Senior .  You are such a great blessing and every day I thank god your presence in my life . I'm so lucky to have you by my side and i just want you to know how much i appreciate you and how grateful I am for you.  Thank you for always being a closest senior and a good mentor and for guiding me on the right path . You always inspire and motivate me during difficult times when i needed words of encouragement .  I always respect and look up to you from the first day i get to know you and it will be till my last breath . Thank you for believing in me when i was too weak and scared for my very first terrestrial exam but you make me calm by calling me and be like " Eh , you can do this , don't worry. "  I  didn't know that day that you are going to be someone very important in my life .  Thank you for being genuinely concerned about me and taking care of me.  Than

On X On Broga Geng?

Hello hello hello geng! Kalau korang baca blog ni kiranya korang on ler ni kan ke Broga... ye dok? Entry kalini aku akan ceritakan pengalaman aku tentang aku ke Bukit Broga. Sebernanya ni adalah salah satu program sekolah untuk para pengawas. Tak silap aku seramai 30 org perngawas terpilih untuk pergi ke program ni dan of course aku kene join sebab aku Ketua Pengawas (KP).  Tekun anak - anak ni mendengar yer Sampai je sana, kami dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan. Setiap kumpulan ada nama masing – masing dan seperti biasa setiap kumpulan akan ade ketua kan? Rasa – rasa sape jdi ketua dalam kumpulan aku? Semua tunding jari ke arah aku ler jawabnya. Senang jer pasang khemah Kemudian kami di ajar untuk mendirikan khemah. Setiap khemah akan ada 10 pelajar. Percaya atau tidak rupa – rupanya ramai antara kami sudah tahu cara memasang khemah. Aku pandai pasang khemah sebab bapak aku ajar aku pasang khemah masa aku kecik lagi. Ponat den tak habis lagi nih