Sometimes its difficult to find the right words to say how much i respect and you mean to me , Senior . You are such a great blessing and every day I thank god your presence in my life . I'm so lucky to have you by my side and i just want you to know how much i appreciate you and how grateful I am for you. 

Thank you for always being a closest senior and a good mentor and for guiding me on the right path . You always inspire and motivate me during difficult times when i needed words of encouragement . I always respect and look up to you from the first day i get to know you and it will be till my last breath . Thank you for believing in me when i was too weak and scared for my very first terrestrial exam but you make me calm by calling me and be like " Eh , you can do this , don't worry. " 
didn't know that day that you are going to be someone very important in my life . 

Thank you for being genuinely concerned about me and taking care of me. Thank you for not judging me when i did something really stupid, but thanks for telling me that i was an idiot and probably shouldn't have done that stupid thing. I really thanked you from bottom of my heart for always being honest. Thank you for not giving up on me although i can drive you crazy sometimes, but lets be honest i love the fact that no matter how much we fight and argue, we can make things better the next day . Thank you for dealing with my immaturities . I know that you are done with me most of the times but even if I'm hard to deal with at times, you never left. Instead you still try to understand and care for me behind my flaws. I feel so good to know that you care enough to stick my side through the good and bad times. I don't think i have enough words to express how much i appreciate all the times you've listened to me and been there when i needed someone to make me feel better . 

Richly blessed is how i feel to have a senior like you and i always cherish all of the times we have spent together . I hope that i can be a good junior to you as you are being the best senior to me . I promise that ill make you proud one day . 

I really hope that we will sail on the same ship for the same voyage one day . 
Thank you for everything and 
You mean more to me than what the sun means to the Earth , Senior . 


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