Assalamualaikum and hai everyone ! So this is my first blog that im gonna share about my family trip to Tanjung Sepang Beach Resort . It's been awhile me and my family tak buat family day so guess what? everything well planned .. alhamdullilah hihi . We spent a quality time together and semestinya kitaorang had a lot of fun most important!🤟

Around 5petang , kitaorang sampai dekat resort ni ... without delay kitaorang pun check in lah homestay and prepare the foods yang kami bawa dari rumah . All the kids dah terjun kolam maklumlah tak menyabar semuanya dengan pistol air sorang satu , yang mana dengan bola lagi tapi its okay they enjoy very well . I got very excited sebab dekat depan resort ni ada pantai which is really beautiful scenery we got there dengan surrounding dia yang bersih , teratur and it is a good suggestion for those yang nak buat family day .🏖

Haa biru tu mama saya , belakang tu mestilah aunty takkan kakak hiks

Struggle nak hidupkan api tu hihihi

Orang sibuk prepare makanan , four of us larikan diri HAHAH

The next day , semua orang bangun awal pagi and after subuh terus turun pantai sebab we planned to play a few games  . Sumpah masing masing creakhead , tua ke muda ke semua bedal je biasalah bukan senang nak dapat chance and spent time together kan . Macam biasa lah games yang kitaorang main semua memang level olimpik punya , HAHAHAHA . Cuba teka apa paling mahal sekali ? Mestilah the view on that morning .. cantikkk sangatt 😍


Lepas habis semua games , kitaorang pun pergilah breakfast . Biasalah dah buang tenaga mestilah lapar hehehe . Habis makan kitaorang terjun kolam lagi .. yang tua pun dah tak fikir apa memang satu kolam tu suara kitaorang satu family je HAHAHA . Therefore , all us really enjoy our time together and most important the memories that we create together super valuable .🌼

When we have each other , we have everything ❤️

So that its from me , thankyouu because spending your time to read my blog . Lots of love and have a nice day !


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